Principles Of Panchayati Raj System In West Bengal

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Principles Of Panchayati Raj System In West Bengal

Principles Of Panchayati Raj System In West Bengal

There are three basic principles of the Panchayati Raj system in West Bengal.

  • The first principle is the decentralization of administrative power. So long, all rural developmental works were done in a centralized manner by the bureaucrats. The Panchayati Raj system has decentralized administrative power. The representatives of the Panchayats are all rural people and as such, they have a clear idea about the various problems of the villages, the nature of it, and their solutions. The rural people themselves take initiative to introduce and implement various rural development programs.
  • The second principle is the democratization of the rural administrative system. The Panchayati Raj system has introduced democracy in rural administration. The people of the villages have received scopes to participate in rural developmental activities and express their opinions on various problems related to the village. No doubt, due to the leadership and co-operation of the Panchayati raj system the rural administration has become much more democratic.
  • The third principle of the Panchayati Raj system is to arrange for mass employment opportunities for rural people and make them self- sufficient. Through the Panchayati Raj system, the villagers can build their own rural self-sufficient economy. The Panchayats are now giving adequate leadership for rural development. The labor of the village people and the rural factors are now being used for these developmental works. The participation of the rural people in these rural developmental planning and activities is in fact making the rural economy self-sufficient.


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