Importance of Mobile Phones in our Daily Life essay

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Importance of Mobile Phones in our Daily Life

Introduction: Whether it is office, hospital, shopping mall, roads or just the home, what is one thing that always accompanies us? Our mobile phone! The mobile phones are everywhere and with anyone!

Meaning – A mobile phone is an electronic wireless portable scientific device, which is used to receive and send voice and messages. These days it has become the most essential instrument for communication.

With the advent of smart-phones, mobile phones have now got a new meaning. They are not only means of communication,  but are also the sources of information and entertainment.

Today, the mobile phones can also be depicted as sources for storing important data. They also act as calendars and alarm clocks, thus, informing us about the set schedule from time to time

Importance of Mobile Phones in our Daily Life

Let us explore the importance of mobile phones in our daily life:

1. Constant contact with friends and families – Information technology has improved the mobile phones to a great level. Today, with the help of internet, we are able to access various social media sites and apps that help us stay connected with our friends, family and the entire world. Mobile phones have made communication easier with quick placing of calls and SMS. Mobile phones are of great help at the time of emergencies when we need to call the police, ambulance or other emergency services.

2. Entertain us and keep us informed too – Who needs a television or a music system when there are mobile phones around! Mobile phones come with FM radio, inbuilt games and various other apps that entertain us. Moreover, you can download apps of your choice like news apps, health apps, and music apps, etc. that will entertain and inform you. You can also watch videos and movies in your mobile phones.

3. Daily Utilities – Mobile phones help us a lot in our daily life. With an internet enabled mobile phone, you can book a cab with the help of various relevant apps. You can also pay your bills with the help of your phone. Also, you can click pictures and use your phone like a camera. Your mobile phone also acts like a compass and navigates you. Such uses of mobile phones are extremely helpful as they help us save our time and money.

4. It helps us become more organized – Today, mobile phones are equipped with important features like documents, alarm, calendars, memo, stop-watch, etc. which help us become more organized.

5. Ensures safety This is one of the most important benefits of using a mobile phone. Mobile phones ensure safety. Also, you can talk to your children and confirm that they have reached safely at their friend’s place or other destination. At the time of emergencies or difficult situations, the mobile phone can be used quickly to get help.

Conclusion: Mobile phone is a very useful and important device. It helps us in various ways. It entertains and informs us. All we need to do is to use this device smartly and wisely. We should remember that it is mainly a device with purpose of communication, but that does not mean that we keep on wasting hours on chatting or through messaging. We should also remember that spending too much time on mobile phones is dangerous as mobile phones emit harmful radiations leading to various diseases.

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