Write a Letter on the Anniversary of Your Company (English letter writing)

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Write a Letter on the Anniversary of Your Company


Sample Letter 1



As Doe Incorporated celebrates ten years of uninterrupted service to the community, we take this opportunity to thank you for helping us succeed and to invite you to join us in a celebration of this accomplishment.


Please drop by the Springfield showroom open house on Saturday, August 15, between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., and receive a guided tour and delicious refreshments.


Once again, thank you for helping us make the past ten years so successful. We look forward to greeting you as our special guest this Saturday.



Sample Letter 2



Doe Hardware is celebrating its tenth anniversary, and we want to share the event with our loyal customers. To show our appreciation for your patronage over the years, we are having a special evening for the entire family. Please bring this letter and your family to our Springfield store parking lot at 1600 Main Street this Friday, June 3, between 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. to enjoy an evening of fun, prizes, and good food. We hope to see you there.



Sample Letter 3



All of us at Doe’s want to thank our customers for their loyalty and support during our ten years in business. To show our appreciation, we’ve enclosed a discount coupon to be used on any regular-priced item in our store. While you’re in the store, we invite you to enter our drawing for a free mountain bike. We have appreciated your business in the past and hope to see you again soon.



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