Unity is Strength

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Unity is Strength

The phrase, “Unity is Strength”, is more than just a proverb. It has been proven since the beginning of mankind. When divided, individuals have failed in achieving what they had aspired. But together, they have been able to conquer a lot more. Take a look at your local history. You will surely notice how groups of people have stood for a certain cause, and because of their strength, their fight has had a powerful effect.

Unity is an important factor even within a family and social group. Family members, who stick together and support each other, tend to have lasting bonds. This enables them to solve each other’s problems in a valuable manner. If there is no unity in friendship, cracks begin to form in the foundation and could potentially lead to misunderstandings. French leader, Napoleon Bonaparte, believed that “There are only two forces that unite men – fear and interest.” However, the term interest, here, is roughly used. People can be united because of their need for a sense of belonging, which has nothing to do with common interests. They could also be united because of a shared history or past, as is the case with citizens of a nation. A lot of social groups have been able to get desired results because they stand united. Their attempts are directed towards a single goal, which increases the chances of success.

Factors like trust, encouragement, understanding, and love help maintain unity among people. As long as good thoughts motivate people, they will stand united and be stronger for it. The moment there is a weak link in the group, everything collapses. Remember to stand tall against all hardships.

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