Thank Someone For Helping In Your Absence (English letter writing)

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Thank Someone For Helping In Your Absence


Sample Letter 1



Thank you so much for covering my shift for me while I was visiting the Springfield offices. I was especially concerned about the largest shipment of the year arriving when I was away, but you handled it perfectly. I returned to find everything in good order. When the opportunity arises, I will be more than happy to return the favor.



Sample Letter 2



Thank you for your week of working double time on my behalf. I couldn’t have taken my trip if you hadn’t taken up the slack. You even straightened the files that have been neglected for some time. Be sure to let me know when you are ready for your big vacation. I will be first in line to cover your desk.



Sample Letter 3



When I returned to work after a month’s illness, I was greatly relieved to discover that each of my accounts had received adequate attention–thanks to you. I really appreciate your handling my work and satisfying each of my client’s supply needs during my absence.


Your effort on my behalf will serve as a good example for me to emulate if you or another member of our team is out. Thanks again!



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