Role of Sabhapati of Panchayat Samiti ( West Bengal)
Role Of Sabhapati Of Panchayat Samiti
The chairman and vice-chairman of Panchayat Samiti are known as Sabhapati and Saha Sabhapati. They are the administrative and financial chief of Panchayat Samiti.
The Sabhapati has the responsibility of maintaining and preserving all-important deeds and documents of the Panchayat Samiti. He controls and supervises the activities of the members of Panchayat Samiti appointed by the State government.
The Sabhapati may also have to perform some other important tasks conferred upon him. He convenes the meeting of the Samiti at least once a year though according to West Bengal Fourth Amendment Act 1978, such a meeting can be convened after three months. Notice of such meeting is to be served at least seven days before, though an emergency meeting may be called on three days’ notice also. The presence of one-fourth of members of the Panchayat Samiti will make the necessary quorum of the meeting. The Sabhapati has the casting vote to settle matters in case of a tie. He presides over the meeting. In his absence, the meeting is conducted by the Saha-Sabhapati. If both of them are absent in the meeting, the members elect one from among themselves to preside over the meeting.