Resume Acknowledgement Letter (English LETTER WRITTING)

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Resume Acknowledgement Letter

KJP Stale Co.
85/c, Exilent road,
silicon, Pune 411004
Phone: 2152000, 238777

8th June 2019

Mr. Jems S. Alvero
32 S Riverview,
silicon, Pune 411004

Dear Jems Alvero,

This is to acknowledge the receipt of your resume and application, dated 7th June 2019 for the post of Operations Head at KJP Stale Co. We appreciate and thank you for showing interest in our Company.

The deadline for applications is 15th June 2019 and after reviewing all the applications only five most deserving candidates will be selected for the interview. You will be informed once the list of the selected candidates for the interview has been finalized.

Thank you again for the time you have given to KJP Stale Co.

We wish you success in your future career.

Pawan bhardwaj
Head (HR Department)
KJP Stale Co.

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