Relationship Between Democratic Decentralization And Local Self Government

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Relationship Between Democratic Decentralization And Local Self Government

Relationship Between Democratic Decentralization And Local Self Government

Democracy has been accepted in the modern world as the best form of Government. The Local Self-government is an inevitable part of this democratic administrative system. It may be called the lying-in-room of democracy.

In fact, the local self- the government has no parallel. Democratic decentralization is a lofty political ideology.

In recent times the political sociologists have found democratic decentralization more relevant for the developing countries of the third world. In third world countries, the matter of development is considered in the context of people’s participation and control over the administration system. The local self-government is the natural consequence of the co-ordination between democracy and democratic decentralization.

The local self-government and democratic decentralization become meaningful by the participation and control of the local people. The local self-government possesses political autonomy. The political ideal that exists in democratic decentralization is reflected in the local self-government. While the democratic decentralization is a political ideal of the local self-government in its institutional form. Or in other words, the theoretical basis of local self-government is democratic decentralization.


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