Persuasive Claim Letter (English LETTER WRITTING)

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Persuasive Claim Letter

Jems S. Alvero
Chief Engineer
Ace Technologies Group
85/c, Exilent road,
silicon, Pune 411004
Telephone – 920019
Email –

Pawan bhardwaj
32 S Riverview,

silicon, Pune 411004

24th June 2019

Sub: Claim for Faulty PC’s

Mr. Pawan bhardwaj,
This is to inform you that the 20 Pentium Core2 Duo PC’s purchased by us 2 months ago do not work properly. Most of them shut down frequently without any warning and some of them take a lot of time to boot.

As per the warranty and replacement policy we are entitled to have a replacement within 1 year of the purchase without any extra cost, if and when any problem occurs. We would have suffered a major loss if we didn’t have some old spare PC’s. Fortunately, we did have them but they required some fine-tuning.

However, we are not charging anything for the time and effort required to do so.

But we do need the replacements ASAP. And that is what the purpose of this letter is. You can pay for the replacements only by cheque or online transfer. I am also requesting reimbursement for the shipping charges for returning the original order to you.

I have enclosed copies of the purchase order, warranty and shipping charges for your reference.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me or e-mail me at

I expect we can settle this matter in a timely and cooperative manner.

Jems S. Alvero
Encl: Copy of Purchase Invoice
Copies of Warranty Documents
Copy of Shipping Charges

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