Name of 12 months of the year in Hindi and English – Hindu Months in hindi

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Name of 12 months of the year in Hindi and English – Hindu Months in hindi

Months of the Year List

1. January – जनवरी

2. February – फ़रवरी

3. March – मार्च

4. April – अप्रैल

5. May – मई

6. June – जून

7. July – जुलाई

8. August – अगस्त

9. September – सितंबर

10. October – अक्टूबर

11. November – नवंबर

12. December – दिसंबर

Hindu months name in the Hindi language

There are 12 months in Hindu lunar Calendar:

1. Chaitra (30 / 31* Days) Begins March 22 / 21*

2. Vaisakha (31 Days) Begins April 21

3. Jyaistha (31 Days) Begins May 22

4. Asadha (31 Days) Begins June 22

5. Shravana (31 Days) Begins July 23

6. Bhadra (31 Days) Begins August 23

7. Asvina (30 Days) Begins September 23

8. Kartika (30 Days) Begins October 23

9. Agrahayana (30 Days) Begins November 22

10. Pausa (30 Days) Begins December 22

11. Magha (30 Days) Begins January 21

12. Phalguna (30 Days) Begins February 20
* Leap years


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