Importance of Gram Panchayat
Importance of Gram Panchayat
The Gram Panchayat has many important functions to perform.
- It plays an important role in providing some benefits for the community life of rural people.
- Some of the functions are meant for improving the economic life of rural people.
- There are other functions through which attempts are made to provide social justice to people.
It is the duty of the Gram Panchayat to look after
- the village health and sanitation system,
- to take preventive measures for resisting the spread of infectious diseases,
- to arrange for drinking water,
- the building of new roads and repairing the old one,
- to reserve and maintain ponds,
- pasture-lands,
- cremation ground and
- graveyards etc. for public use.
Gram Panchayat further plays important role in :
- the arrangement of street lights,
- tree plantation,
- digging of wells and ponds etc.
- to perform various cultural activities and encourage various types of games and sports,
- to supply food grains and other essential goods,
- welfare activities and other social welfare work for disabled people,
- to look after old and powerless and helpless people,
- to do various welfare activities for the Scheduled castes and Scheduled tribes,
- to rehabilitate the homeless peoples,
- to impart primary,
- social, technical,
- vocational education,
- adult education and non-formal education,
- to look after agriculture and its expansion,
- preservation of public property,
- encouraging co-operative farming,
- to arrange employment opportunities in industries and other areas,
- to build the village markets and preserve them,
- creation of different types of industries,
- animal husbandry, fishery,
- to establish libraries and conduct them properly,
- the revival of the fallow land,
- to arrange adequate irrigation facilities and arranging different poverty eradication programs etc.