Get Well Letter (English letter writting)

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Get Well Letter

Pawan bhardwaj
Director (Technical)
KJP Sat Tech.

June 21st, 2019

Jems s. Alvero
1327/1, Tankoli Baag,
silicon, Pune 411004

Dear Mr. Jems s. Alvero,

I was so sorry to hear about your accident. The moment I heard about it I tried calling you but then I wasn’t sure if you were in a position to do so. I called your family and they told me that you were hospitalized for 2 hours and after that they discharged you.

It is very assuring to know that you have an only hairline fracture in your left leg and nothing serious. I was very worried about you and I cannot forget the things that you have done for me. The world needs a good man like you so I pray for your quick recovery and protection from any harm.

You are in my prayers and thoughts.

Get well soon.

Pawan bhardwaj

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