Encourage an Employee After a Disappointment or a Company Setback (English letter writing)

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Encourage an Employee After a Disappointment or a Company Setback


Sample Letter 1



I know we have all experienced a very stressful year. Even after the downsizing six months ago that reduced our personnel twenty percent, we still have not achieved the winning quarter we were hoping for. Nevertheless, I want to assure you that we will not have further reductions in our work force. And there is another bright spot on the horizon. Although we did not turn a profit last quarter, we did break even and sales projections predict a small profit for the current quarter.


This positive trend indicates that our recovery from last year’s problems is on track and that we will soon regain our losses. Thank you for remaining loyal to the company and for helping us make a comeback. We appreciate your confidence and hard work.



Sample Letter 2



I realize that some problems have cropped up in the department since you took over as supervisor. As you know, the employees were particularly loyal to John Doe, and we expected some resistance to his replacement. But take heart. I have seen your calm, steady influence in the department and have no doubt that the employees will learn to work well with you. Keep up the good work. We’re behind you all the way.



Sample Letter 3



I’m sure it was very disappointing to lose the Doe account after all your hard work. However, I want you to know I have never seen a more polished first-time presentation by a new employee. Given your skills, I am confident that you will have many more opportunities to make sales presentations for the company, and that many of them will result in new accounts.



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