CBSE Class 9 English Main Course Book Unit 3 Environment Chapter 2 Save Mother Earth
Question 1:
Listen carefully to ‘Meet the personality of the month programme’ and as you are listening fill in the details.
Causes of pollution
1. Atmosphere
a. _______________________________________________________
2. Water
a. _______________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________
3. Effects of pollution
a. _______________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________
Human Rights activist- Ms. Shraddha Shankar
1. Reasons for working in the factory
a. _______________________________________________________
2. Effects
a. _______________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________________
3. Steps which can be taken
a. _______________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________________
1. Atmosphere
a. Smoke arising from factories
2. Water
a. Animal remains and chemicals from tanneries
b. Dead materials from slaughter-houses and crematoria.
3. Effects of pollution
a. Unsafe drinking water
b. Depleting fish population
1. Reasons for working in the factory
a. Abject poverty
2. Effects
a. Exploitation
b. Poor health due to bad working conditions
c. Unsafe drinking water
3. Steps which can be taken
a. Educate the parents
b. Fight against unscrupulous
c. Give alternative solution to poor parents
Question 2:
The residents of Kanpur decide to approach the Chairman of the Municipal Corporation with the problem of pollution in their city. In groups of six, play the role of the following: (Cue cards will be given by the teacher)
- A farmer
- An environmentalist
- Chairman of the Municipal Corporation
- President of ‘Save the Ganga Project’
- A Human rights actvist
- A farmer: The water which comes to our fields from the Ganges is very dirty. It looks blackish with a layer of oil on top. I think all of this is due to the tanneries near the river. Over last five years the yield from my field has gone down sharply. I am worried how I shall provide food to my family.
- An environmentalist: The water of the Ganges is highly polluted with effluents from tanneries and other factories. The smoke from these factories is polluting the air with harmful gases as well. Nothing is safe, neither air nor water. Drinking water is full of harmful substances like arsenic. There has been a sharp rise in the number of cases of asthma and gastric problems. The fish population is decreasing in the Ganges which is a sign of ecological imbalance.
- President of ‘Save the Ganga Project’: The Ganga is not only a sacred river but it is the only source to sustain life in Kanpur also. It is ridiculous that on die one hand we worship Ganga and on the other we go on making it a dirty and filthy river.
- A Human rights activist: Children are exploited by greedy factory owners. There should be strict punishment for factory owners as they make innocent children toil in harsh and polluted environment.
Question 3:
After the role play, the Chairman will put forward the final decision with reasons.
Decision of the Chairman of the Municipal Corporation: Each one of us is aware of the gravity of situation. Until and unless we take stem measures, we cannot bring back the glory of Kanpur and that of the Ganga. We will pass a resolution to make all corrective actions at a faster pace. Factory owners will be made to fall in line. Each and every citizen of Kanpur will be made a protector of Kanpur. In a task of this gargantuan scale we need each others’ cooperation and commitment.
Factories will be made to implement proper effluent treatment policies to reduce pollution levels. Parents of poor children can be given some sort of employment guarantee so that they won’t need to send their children for work. For education of children better implementation of Sarva Siksha Abhiyan will be carried out in Kanpur.
Question 4:
As a resident of Kanpur, write a formal letter to the Editor of a prominent newspaper highlighting the problem discussed in B2. Also give some suggestions on how this problem can be reduced.
(See Main Course Book, Page 56)
A-43 Civil Lines Kanpur 14 June 20XX The Editor The Times of India New Delhi
Subject: Growing Pollution is Growing Worries for Kanpur Sir
This is to bring to your attention that Kanpur has seen a tremendous growth in its population in recent years. I suggest some measures to make Kanpur a place fit for human habitation.
There are many tanneries in Kanpur which are creating problems for the Ganges. These factories release effluent without proper treatment. The smoke coming out of these factories contains many harmful gases. The result is high level of air and water pollution.
This is leading to severe health problems among citizens of Kanpur.
Apart from that, there is further danger to the flora and fauna of surrounding areas. Fish population is depleting which is affecting the fishermen. Soil fertility has decreased leading to poor condition of farmers.
Children from poor families are exploited by the greedy factory owners. This is endangering the present and future of children.
Strict measures should be taken to make tannery owners fall in line. People of Kanpur should be properly educated about the problem. Strict action must be taken against all polluters of Kanpur.
Yours truly
Anchal Budhwar
Question 5:
India’s Major worries
Read the following paragraph. Then work in pairs and list the different ways in which you can contribute to save Mother Earth. As an individual you can make a major contribution towards reducing India’s over all emission levels. (See Main Course Book, Page 57)
(a) Turn off the computer when not in use.
(b) Use CFL bulbs to save electricity.
(c) Use jute bags instead of plastic bags
(d) Walk short distances instead of using cars
(e) Make a car pool while going to offices
(f) More use of public transport
(g) Minimize use of paper to save forest
(h) Use solar cooker as often as possible
(i) Turn off electrical gadgets when not in use
(j) Use cycle to cover short distances
(k) Use matka instead of refrigerator for cold water
Question 6:
Read the following article on Global Warming and complete the flow chart given below.
(See Main Course Book, Page 58)
Question 7:
Carbon Footprint—Project Work (See Main Course Book, Pages 59-60)
In groups, choose and research any one aspect of how we are leaving carbon footprints and how to modify our lifestyle. Each group will then make a project on the various aspects.
Read the following excerpts from newspapers on various environmental issues.
(See Main Course Book, Pages 59-60)
Class Activity.
Question 8:
In groups, work on one of the topics
mentioned in B8(a)-(g). Research your topic by collecting relevant articles from the print and electronic media (like the National Geographic). Make a power point presentation of 10-12 minutes. You can also use film clippings to enrich your presentation.
For self-attempt.
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