Category: ALL IN ONE

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Unity is Strength

    Unity is Strength The phrase, “Unity is Strength”, is more than just a proverb. It has been proven since the beginning of mankind. When divided, individuals have failed in achieving what they had aspired. But together, they have been able to conquer a lot more. Take a look at your local history. You…
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Significance of Indian National Flag

    Significance of Indian National Flag   A National Flag is not just a piece of cloth, but it symbolizes the most sacred values a country stands for. In short, it represents the country itself. This is the reason why we salute or stand up when seeing a national Flag. Arthur Marcy once said…
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Save Earth

    Save Earth Henry David Thoreau the famous American poet and philosopher once said, “Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads.” This statement brings to light how fortunate we are, to be living on a planet that provides everything for us. Save Earth campaigns refer to the attempts made by…
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Mothers Day

    Mothers Day  ‘Mother is the one who can take the place of all, but can’t be replaced’. She is the most precious and important factor of our life. The moment a girl realizes the life growing within, the world around her changes, attitude changes. She learns to love and accept the world from…
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Knowledge is power

    Knowledge is power Earlier, the information had to be stored on scrolls, tablets, or passed down orally, from one generation to the other. Life is so much simpler nowadays. If we wish to learn about something, we have so many resources to consider. Knowledge is of vital importance because it allows us to…
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Julian Wala Bagh

    Julian Wala Bagh In the 89 years of British rule in India, Britain’s only commitment was to loot India and suppress Indians using brutal power. All through history, the nationalists protested against the invasion of their motherland and demanded freedom. Britain adopted strategies at all levels to counter and crush such movements. In…
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Importance of Healthy Food

    Importance of Healthy Food Have we ever thought about why our parents and teachers always insist on having healthy food? Healthy food is one of the most important parts of leading a healthy life. Combined with physical activity, balanced food can help us to reach and maintain a healthy weight. Healthy food habits…
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Importance of Blood Donation

    Importance of Blood Donation With a massive growth in the world population, there has also been an alarming rise in diseases. Mortality rates are constantly fluctuating. Hospitals are always in dire need of transplants and donations. In such a scenario, donating blood is our duty, as a fellow human being. It should be…
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Honesty is the best policy

    Honesty is the best policy Everyone is familiar with the stories of Pinocchio and the boy who cried, Wolf. While Pinocchio’s nose elongated every time he told a lie, the boy in the other story met with a brutal fate, upon lying to the villagers. These stories are an attempt to teach children…
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Homi Jehangir Bhabha

    Homi Jehangir Bhabha Homi Jehangir Bhabha was one of the main architects of India’s highly successful Atomic Energy program and is fondly remembered as the father of the Indian nuclear program. He was born on October 30, 1909, in Mumbai. He received his early education at Mumbai’s Cathedral Grammar School and subsequently took…
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