Category: ALL IN ONE

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‘What goes around comes around’ – Origin, Meaning, Expansion, and Importance

    ‘What goes around comes around’ – Origin, Meaning, Expansion, and Importance Introduction: You may have heard the phrase ‘what goes around comes around’, either in a song lyric (or as the title of a Justin Timberlake hit), or simply said sagely by a friend or a family member. However, what does this phrase…
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‘Waste not, want not’ – meaning, teachings, and explanation

    ‘Waste not, want not’ – meaning, teachings, and explanation Meaning: The phrase, ‘waste not, want not’ means that ‘if you don’t waste money and other vital resources in your present moment, then you will never fall short of it in the future.” In simple words, if you save money, valuable or other thing…
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‘Too many cooks spoil the broth’ – Origin, Meaning, Expansion, and Significance.

    ‘Too many cooks spoil the broth’ – Origin, Meaning, Expansion, and Significance. Origin This proverb most likely dates back to at least the late medieval period. In 1575, it was cited by the writer George Gascoigne, who noted that ‘too many cooks spoil the broth’ was a common proverb. Since, Gascoigne stated that this…
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‘Time flies’ – Origin, Meaning, Expansion, and Importance

    ‘Time flies’ – Origin, Meaning, Expansion, and Importance Origin of the proverb. ‘Time flies’ originates in a Latin proverb: ‘tempus fugit’. This Latin phrase (which means, literally ‘time flees’) derives from the poetic works of an ancient Roman author called Virgil. Virgil’s most famous work is perhaps the epic poem called ‘The Aeneid’.…
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‘The Hand That Rocks the Cradle is the Hand that Rules the World’ – Origin, Meaning, and Expansion

    ‘The Hand That Rocks the Cradle is the Hand that Rules the World’ – Origin, Meaning, and Expansion Origin: The phrase, ‘The Hand That Rocks the Cradle is the Hand that Rules the World” appeared in a poem written by William Ross Wallace. In fact, this brilliant phrase has placed Wallace among the…
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‘Strike While the Iron is Hot’ – Meaning and Expansion of the Idea

    ‘Strike While the Iron is Hot’ – Meaning and Expansion of the Idea Meaning: The proverb, ‘Strike while the iron is hot” means: Take full and prompt advantage of any favorable circumstances.  Fast and decisive action at the appropriate moment brings success in life.  Expansion: A blacksmith should always strike the iron when…
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‘Still Waters Run Deep’ – Meaning, Origin, and Explanation

    ‘Still Waters Run Deep’ – Meaning, Origin, and Explanation Its meaning: ‘Still waters run deep,’ says the proverb. Another proverb says ‘Still water run smooth’. It means that a man of sterling qualities has no pretensions. A person of extra-ordinary and exceptional talent is often found to be very quiet and humble in his…
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‘Silence is Golden’ – Meaning, Latin Version and Expansion of the Idea

    ‘Silence is Golden’ – Meaning, Latin Version and Expansion of the Idea Meaning: ‘Silence is Golden” is a popular proverb. It means that it is much better to remain silent, if we do not have anything important to say. The full phrase goes” Speech is silver. Silence is Golden.” It means that it is…
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‘Rome wasn’t Built in a Day’ – Meaning, Origin, Explanation and Teachings

    ‘Rome wasn’t Built in a Day’ – Meaning, Origin, Explanation, and Teachings Its meaning: The phrase, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’ means ‘it takes time for creating important things or doing important tasks.’ The proverb teaches to be ‘patient while doing or accomplishing big tasks.’ It also means, ‘Great works cannot be done in…
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‘Procrastination is the thief of time’ – meaning and explanation

    ‘Procrastination is the thief of time’ – meaning and explanation What it means? The proverb ‘procrastination is the thief of time’ means that: A person who procrastinates or delays in doing things at the right moment ultimately finds himself in a situation when he had very little time to complete the task. A person…
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