Category: Advance math

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Set Theory The set theory was developed by George Cantor in 1845-1918. Today, it is used in almost every branch of mathematics and serves as a fundamental part of present-day mathematics. In set theory we will learn about representation in roster form and set builder form , types of sets (Empty set, singleton set, finite…
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Sets An introduction of sets and its definition in mathematics. The concept of sets is used for the foundation of various topics in mathematics. To learn sets we often talk about the collection of objects, such as a set of vowels, set of negative numbers, a group of friends, a list of fruits, a bunch…
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BASIC CONCEPT SET (ADVANCE MATH) To know the basic concepts of sets let us understand from our day to day life we often speak or hear about different types of collections. Such as: (i) a collection of pens (ii) a collection of dolls (iii) a collection of books, etc. In the same way we have…
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Algebra 1 Math Lessons – Table of Contents (Advance math)

Algebra 1 Math Lessons – Table of Contents   Variables and Expressions Powers and Exponents: Order of Operations:

Order of Operations (Advance math)

Order of Operations While solving the questions on order of operations we follow certain rules that indicate the sequence for simplifying expressions that contain more than one fundamental operation.   Steps to solve order of operations: Step I: Simplify the operations inside grouping symbols. Step II: Simplify the powers. Step III: Solve multiplication and division from left to…
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Variables and Expressions (Advance math)

Variables and Expressions The basic concept of variables and expressions are discussed while solving the questions on algebraic expressions. A variable is an alphabet that represents the value that can be change. A constant is a value which will remain same. A numerical expression contains only numeric constants and operations like addition (+), subtraction (–),…
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Powers (exponents) (Advance math)

Powers (exponents) Concept of powers (exponents): A power contains two parts exponent and base. We know 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 24, where 2 is called the base and 4 is called the power or exponent or index of 2. Reading Exponents Examples on evaluating powers (exponents): (i) 54. Solution: 54 =…
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