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Give Personal Advice (English letter writing)

    Give Personal Advice   Sample Letter 1     I am really honored you chose to come to me with your question. I have been thinking about you and Jane for a few weeks now. From where I stand it seems as though you two have come to an impasse. I can only…
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Give General Advice (English letter writing)

    Give General Advice   Sample Letter 1     I am flattered that you asked for my advice on your upcoming home purchase. In this market it has been difficult to go wrong, until about four months ago. Today the buyer must be very shrewd indeed. I recommend you contact John Doe, who…
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Give Advice to Subordinates (English letter writing)

    Give Advice to Subordinates   Sample Letter 1     Mr. Doe has commented to me several times in the last month about employees playing games on the computers. This is not an efficient use of company time, or of the new office network.   I know that the games are usually played…
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Encourage Your Reader to Take Advantage of a New Opportunity (English letter writing)

    Encourage Your Reader to Take Advantage of a New Opportunity   Sample Letter 1     Congratulations on recently completing the lifeguard certification course. I have just become aware of an opportunity you may want to look into. The Doe Recreational Center has signed a contract with local schools to hold swimming lessons…
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Encourage an Employee After a Disappointment or a Company Setback (English letter writing)

    Encourage an Employee After a Disappointment or a Company Setback   Sample Letter 1     I know we have all experienced a very stressful year. Even after the downsizing six months ago that reduced our personnel twenty percent, we still have not achieved the winning quarter we were hoping for. Nevertheless, I…
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Decline to Give Advice (English letter writing)

    Decline to Give Advice   Sample Letter 1     I am flattered that you would ask me for advice on such a delicate matter. I regret that I cannot be much help to you. I have neither the wisdom nor the experience to guide you in your divorce. However, I have a…
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Ask For Personal Advice (English letter writing)

    Ask For Personal Advice   Sample Letter 1     I know you hate giving advice, but I need your experience on my side. I have the opportunity to buy out another fisherman’s fleet at the end of the season. The trouble is this will put us in a real bind financially next…
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Write a Letter on the Anniversary of Your Company (English letter writing)

    Write a Letter on the Anniversary of Your Company   Sample Letter 1     As Doe Incorporated celebrates ten years of uninterrupted service to the community, we take this opportunity to thank you for helping us succeed and to invite you to join us in a celebration of this accomplishment.   Please…
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Write a Letter Acknowledging Achievements (English letter writing)

    Write a Letter Acknowledging Achievements   Sample Letter 1     Congratulations on your son’s Eagle Scout award. I know what kind of effort goes into earning such an award and how hard you must have worked to help him do his best. You have been a great example to many parents who…
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Respond Positively to Negative Feedback (English letter writing)

    Respond Positively to Negative Feedback   Sample Letter 1     Thank you for taking the time to tell us about your unfortunate experience with the Springfield Fire Department. I am sorry to hear about your losses in the house fire, and I regret that you were not satisfied with the performance of…
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