Appreciation Letters (English LETTER WRITTING)

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Appreciation Letters

Pawan bhardwaj
32 S Riverview,
silicon, Pune 411004
+91 25487 52145

June 15, 2012

Jems S. Alvero
KJP Co Inc.
85/c, Exilent road,
silicon, Pune 411004
(973) 374-2420

Dear Mr. Jems,

Thank you so much for recommending me for the Personal Secretary position at KJP Co Inc. I have got the job and it was your recommendation that did most of the work. My credentials were good but if they weren’t backed by your recommendation, I wouldn’t have got the job.

I am in the right place, at the right time. I found out that when I got complimented on the third day. I look forward to a fruitful career at KJP Co Inc.

I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your effort and I promise that I will not let your name down but rather make you proud.

Thanks, once again. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.

Pawan bhardwaj

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