Announce an Office or Store Closing to Employees
Sample Letter 1
As you know, the merger of our parent company with Doe Enterprises is having a ripple effect on other smaller subsidiaries. Although we had hoped to weather the storm, I am sorry to report that we will close our office at the end of this fiscal year. We will offer positions in the Springfield office to those who are willing to move. For others, the severance package will be quite generous.
I would like to express my personal appreciation for the association we have had through the years. You have been a wonderful, supportive staff, and I wish you every success in the future.
Sample Letter 2
We regret to inform you that we will close our Springfield office permanently on Friday, December 20. The general business decline in that area makes it impossible to justify keeping the office open. We are aware of the impact this closing will have on employees in that office. Be assured that we will make every effort to find you comparable employment within the Doe organization. To those we are unable to accommodate, we will pay one month’s salary to ease the transition.
Doe is grateful for your continued service and support during this difficult time. We hope we all will benefit from this change.
Sample Letter 3
I am sorry to announce that Doe’s downtown office will close December 31. In order to reduce our overhead, the functions of this branch will be combined with the Springfield office. Some of the employees here will be transferred to Springfield; if you in this group you will be notified. We regret that we will be unable to take all of you with us. A generous severance pay will be given to those whose employment with Doe’s will end, and I would be very pleased to furnish anyone who asks with a very positive reference. I deeply appreciate our association over the years, and regret the events which have made this decision necessary. Please contact me if I can help you in any way to secure new employment.