Announce a Sales Contest (English letter writing)

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Announce a Sales Contest


Sample Letter 1



Anyone for a Caribbean cruise? The winner of our holiday sales contest will receive two tickets for a week-long Caribbean cruise aboard the Doe Queen. It’s simple. Whoever achieves the highest sales volume between December 1 and January 2 wins the cruise with all expenses paid.


As always, our major concern is with customer satisfaction, so for the purpose of this contest all merchandise returns that were purchased during this period will be deducted from contest records.


Even if you don’t win the first prize, you may qualify for one of the several consolation prizes worth hundreds of dollars. Pick up detailed information on all prizes from the main reception desk.



Sample Letter 2



Doe Furniture offers all-expenses-paid weekends for two in Las Vegas for the first five salespersons who reach $20,000 in sales during our Spring Furniture Blowout, January 15-19.


The contest officially ends at the close of business on January 19, and the winners will be announced in the sales meeting the following Monday.


Good luck to each of you.



Sample Letter 3



Are you hungry? How does dinner for two at the exclusive John Doe restaurant sound? That’s the first prize for our June sales contest. The person with the highest sales volume during June will enjoy a gourmet meal for two at the John Doe restaurant. You may pick up further information on the contest in the reception area. The winner will be announced during the first sales meeting of July.



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