Announce a Change of Address
Sample Letter 1
On March 31, I will move to
648 Maple Lane
Springfield, Kansas 12345
I will miss your friendly service. Please forward my last bill to my new address.
Sample Letter 2
Please note that my address will be changing. The old address is
648 Maple Lane
Centerville, KS 12346
and the new address will be
1600 Main St.
Springfield, KS 12345
We have appreciated the service you have provided for us, but we will need to cancel our account. We will be opening a new account closer to our home in Springfield. Please forward all statements to the new address after July 8.
Sample Letter 3
Just a note to all of our friends and family to let you know that our new home is finally done and we will be moving into it in time for Christmas. Please note our new address:
648 Maple Lane
Springfield, Kansas 12345
We look forward to celebrating the holidays in our new place and invite you to join us at an open house Saturday, December 28, 3:00-6:00 p.m. We hope you will share the spirit of Christmas with us.