Announce a Budget Surplus
Sample Letter 1
Thanks to the careful planning of department heads, we have a modest amount left in our capital equipment budget that can only be used for office machines. Please indicate with a memo by Friday which items you feel should have highest priority for upgrade or replacement. We will lose the funds if they are not used by December 31.
Sample Letter 2
We are pleased to announce that for the first time in ten years, Doe University has a budget surplus. Within the month, deans and department chairs will receive notification of amounts available for their use. Although the funds are unrestricted, we encourage administrators to use them for partial tuition scholarships for deserving students. This is one way we can ease the burden of many and shorten the time required to complete their studies.
Sample Letter 3
Since the reorganization of the company, we have found we have a budget surplus for this quarter. We would like to use this money for new furniture for secretarial staff. We anticipate being able to purchase at least four units during this budget year and anticipate upgrading all secretarial furniture to modern ergonomic standards in the next three years. Please assess your needs and send a memo to me by this Friday.