Admission Acceptance Letter
Jems S. Alvero
Admissions Department
Pune University
85/c, Exilent road,
silicon, Pune 411004
Tel: 555 27 11 2000
2nd June, 2019
Pawan Adobe
32 S Riverview,
silicon, Pune 411004
Dear Mr. Pawan,
On behalf of Pune University, I am pleased to offer our congratulations on the acceptance of your application for admission in the First Year of our Esteemed Bachelor of Environmental Sciences Program. You should take great pride in receiving this invitation. more than 3,980 students applied for this year’s undergraduate class and you are amongst the selected few. As you know, Pune University is known for its high standards in academic excellence and your inclusion in our university is a testament to your hard work and superior academic performance.
We have enclosed a University Handbook and an Enrolment Form with this letter. Please go through the Handbook to further your knowledge of the Rules and Regulations of the
Program and of the University as well. Please read the Instructions before filling the Enrolment form and send it to us by no later than 15th September 2019, in order to ensure your enrolment in our program. If you have any questions or problems, please contact us at (15)1555-5555 or and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
We feel that you will make a great addition to Pune University and hope that you feel the same way. We wish you all the best and thank you for applying to Okavango University.
Yours sincerely,
Jems S. Alvero
Admissions Department
Pune University
Encl: University Handbook Enrolment Form