Acknowledge the Return of an Item For Exchange, Refund, or Credit
Sample Letter 1
We are sorry that the 3D exercise machine did not meet your expectations. From your letter I understand that you would like a refund rather that a different model. Please return the machine in its original package and we will promptly refund your purchase price.
We appreciate being able to serve you and hope that you will find other Doe fitness products to your liking. We are committed to providing superior products at affordable prices. Please accept a complimentary catalog of our full line of sports equipment.
Sample Letter 2
We received your return shipment of twelve size 9D shoes in today’s delivery and have credited your account accordingly. We are sorry that they appear to be mislabeled.
Our customer service division is studying how such an error could have taken place. Thank you for your understanding. We look forward to serving you in the future.
Sample Letter 3
This letter is to acknowledge receipt of the portable stereo you purchased from our mail-order company. We deeply regret that the unit was damaged in shipping, and apologize for the inconvenience. We have shipped a new stereo by express mail, and it should arrive within five business days.
Please also accept the enclosed coupon for 20% off of your next purchase. We appreciate your business and thank you for your patience. Again, please accept our apologies for our error. We hope you will allow us to serve you again soon.