Academic Petition letter
25th June 2019
ABC University
85/c, Exilent road,
silicon, Pune 411004
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing to appeal to my academic dismissal from ABC University. I was supposed to appear for Sociology Part 1examination on 23rd June 2019 and Political Science 1 examination on 27th June 2019 for the final semester. However, I could not appear for the examinations as I was suffering from Severe Typhoid during this period. I was hospitalized for a month at the Post Graduate Medical Institute, Pune, IL. I was in no condition to appear for the examinations. I intimated the university about this through a written document.
As per college laws, I am entitled to appear for these two papers whenever I have been certified Healthy by the medical examiner. I sent the application for appearing in these exams along with a medical certificate of fitness. However, I got no intimations in this regard. When I contacted the examination department about this they said I didn’t need to appear as I have been dismissed from the institute. I was shocked and felt confused and mental anguish as it is not my fault.
Please take appropriate action and inform me. I have followed the rules and regulations towards this end and I deserve the right to appear for the remaining two examinations.
I have enclosed copies of the Intimation of Absence, University Examination Schedule, Medical Prescriptions, Treatment Record and Medical Certificate for your reference.
Thank you.
Pawan bhardwaj
B.A. 2nd Year
NU ID – 3684781
32 S Riverview,
silicon, Pune 411004
Encl: University Examination Schedule
Intimation of Absence
Medical Prescriptions
Treatment Record
Medical Certificate